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Prepare your business for sale in 2024

Date: 24 July 2024


Unveiling future trends in marketing

Date: 3 July 2024


Five public relations mistakes you need to avoid

Date: 2 July 2024


Representation of digital marketing methods

Unveiling future trends in marketing

Changing client behaviour, digitisation and new technology, have transformed marketing. In this article, we explore how marketers must adapt their marketing tactics to remain competitive.

Date: 3 July 2024 By:

Two women use Business Intelligence tools to plan their business strategy.

What is business intelligence? Tools for you to consider in 2024

Business intelligence is now the cornerstone of every business. We take a look at two of the main business intelligence tools.

Date: 17 June 2024 By:

An open sign in a shop window.

How to start a business in the UK

Open a business in the UK as a non-resident with this handy guide. Discover the key steps you need to take on your UK start up journey.

Date: 17 May 2024 By:

A creative marketing team refine their marketing strategy

Small business marketing tips

This blog provides small business owners with actionable marketing tips. Whether you're starting out or refining existing strategies, these insights will help your business stand out in the crowd.

Date: 30 January 2024 By:

An entrepreneur creates a video for his website

Ten marketing ideas for small businesses in 2024

Give your small business marketing a boost in 2024 with ten marketing ideas that can raise brand awareness, improve customer loyalty or help you convert interest into sales.

Date: 16 January 2024 By:

A microbrewery celebrates a successful growth strategy

Bootstrap your micro business to success

A guide to essential strategies that micro-businesses can adopt to propel their business growth including networking and partnerships, technology and branding.

Date: 5 January 2024 By:

A team discuss their disappointing marketing results

How to increase your leads to hit your targets

What can you do when your marketing strategy is not hitting the mark? The experts from Mediahawk share four steps you can take to revitalise your activity and results.

Date: 12 December 2023 By:

An attractive woman shops in a zero-waste shop

Green marketing: promoting a brighter future

As consumers become increasingly environmentally conscious, businesses need to adopt more eco-friendly practices. Businesses must also adopt green marketing to promote their green credentials.

Date: 24 October 2023 By:

A striking logo can be a kep element of your brand identity

Building a brand: how small businesses can stand out

A strong brand identity could be the difference between blending in or standing out in a crowded marketplace. Discover how you can create a brand that stands out.

Date: 20 September 2023 By:

A woman holds two pink doughnuts up to her eyes

What can SMEs learn from the Barbie movie marketing team?

SMEs won't have the blockbuster budget of the Barbie movie marketing team but that doesn't mean they can't utilise some of the techniques that have helped make the film a runaway success.

Date: 2 August 2023 By:

A female customer receives a host of marketing messages sharing the business' story

The power of storytelling and landing the sale

How do you cut through all the noise from social media, email newsletters and blog articles? You tell stories that connect with potential customers that prompt them to act.

Date: 26 July 2023 By:

A brand agency review all customer touch points to build a consistent brand approach

Why does your business need a brand experience agency?

Brand experience is no longer optional but is a strategic imperative for small businesses aiming for sustainable growth. Discover how working with a brand experience agency is important.

Date: 23 June 2023 By:

A group of young adults are shopping

Five ways to make your business more visible to customers

If customers don't know you exist, they won't buy your goods or services. Here are five tips to make your business stand out in the crowd and become more visible to prospective customers.

Date: 27 January 2023 By:

A marketing team looking at the results from their marketing strategy

Six factors that can affect your marketing strategy

No matter how well you plan your marketing, there are always factors that can derail your plans. We look at the six factors that can adversely influence your marketing.

Date: 19 January 2022 By:

A couple discussing loan options with an advisor

Four marketing strategies for loans businesses

Any business needs to keep a steady flow of customers coming through its doors - and loans agencies are no exception. How to attract more clients.

Date: 23 August 2019 By:

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