Managing sales staff

Effective sales management gets the most out of your salesforce. Sales people need hands-on support and guidance to help them succeed.

Managing sales staff - overview

How to manage sales staff to help them meet the sales objectives set out in your sales strategy by setting targets and providing support.

Two employees shaking hands with an agent with paper and mobile devices in the foreground

Dealing with an agent

An agent will act on your behalf to negotiate sales of your products or services. They are often used when selling products in overseas markets.

Multiple marketing folders with 'TRAINING PLAN' written on a yellow folder

Developing a marketing training plan

A marketing training plan sets out what your training needs are and how you will meet them, and will help you get the most out of your budget.

Man speaking to his marketing employees in a meeting room and managing them

Managing marketing employees

As a business owner you have a vital role in leading the marketing effort and maximising the effectiveness of your sales and marketing team.

Staff supervise an online training course

Marketing and sales training

Marketing and sales training can deliver significant business benefits. Training your employees helps boost sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Line up of seated male and female business people visible from the neck down

Recruiting the right salespeople

Good salespeople are a major asset, because they deliver sales, yet finding them can be very hard. Learn how to find and recruit them.

An export agent checking a shipping

Sales agents and distributors

Our overview of how to choose and use sales agents, wholesalers and other distributors to access new markets, and how to manage the relationship.

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