Matt Cayless

Matt Cayless

Bubblegum Search

SEO Director



Bubblegum Search


About the company

Bubblegum Search is a SEO agency and team of highly-knowledgeable and compassionate SEO and content marketing specialists that put clients first. We are attentive to clients’ needs and are committed to delivering high-quality, high-level, data-driven and ROI-focused strategies that drive business growth.

About Matt Cayless

Matt Cayless is the Director of SEO at Bubblegum Search. He is an SEO expert having worked on campaigns for some of the world’s biggest brands and has a passion for helping businesses grow online. When he’s not chasing the Google algorithm he can be found training for his next marathon.


Typewritter with 'Know the rules' typed on it

Rules for writing meta title tags

Avoid the common pitfalls when writing meta tags, here are the rules, the best practice and the mistakes most people make it. Read more: ...