Marketing essentials

'IDEA' written in white text with an orange background


Great infographics made easy

Kira Lauber explains the importance of creating a narrative and using a metaphor to present complex data in a clear and attractive way.

Online marketing

Social media


Customer care

Word "service" in a dictionary


Essential customer service skills

Customer care is fundamental to any business - but how do you measure up? What are the specific skills you need to ensure you perform well?


Market research

Woman's hand holding a test tube with blue liquid in


Why you must test for success

When it comes to product development, you cannot afford to get too personal. To give it the best chance in the market, you need an objective view.

PR and promotion

Business owner working on PR strategy and reading business news in newspaper


Effective PR FAQs

What can PR do for your small business? How to use PR effectively, get positive media coverage and promote your business in the press.[